Sunday, December 18, 2022

Joyfilled Hanukkah December 19-26

We are very blessed to live in a city that is diverse and welcoming. In the community of Toronto where we are, called The Beaches, there is a lovely Mennorah for everyone to appreciate. 

 We have a sweet Happy Hanukkah colouring and vocabulary sheet we revisit each year from. You can find similar creations from this talented woman:

We also had a great find at our local Canadian Tire, a menorrah bag. It is so lovely and around 2.00CDN. 

Barron and I also found the best Driedel game at Canadian Tire as well. We got two. We played it based on instructions from this video by Marshmellow and Wengie: 

Our first time playing Bear spun and got Gimel: Take all the tokens. I got Nun: Do Nothing. Bear and I spun again (he is blue and I am green) and we got the same and Bear won yet again. We didn't have any gelt coins. The other two spins could have been Shin which requires you to put 2 tokens in the middle and Hay means take half the tokens. This game is the best and it teaches you a skill to spin.

This etsy shop theprekmama is wonderful for less than 2.00CDN and you can have a dridel three page product:

We got a few swedts to enjoy on this festive day as close to what is traditionally eaten since we cannot cook at our current place:

and Canada Post has made a lovely stamp this year: 
                                                       Chag sameach! (Happy holiday!)

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For Halloween I found the most lovely resource containing valuable information and delicious creative items, I was