Sunday, March 31, 2024

April Fools+National Poetry Month+Week 1 Brave Writers

 Happy Tricking Day. Our favourite videos: Teen Takes APRIL FOOLS' DAY PRANK Too Far, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann.

Barron completed his 30 spelling vocabulary, his money sheet, his drawing a day, his 2 daily Mario math sheets, and cursive letter A.

Today we listened to a podcast from Poem-a-Day from the Academy of American Poets on Spotify of this poem: 

Somehow By Dorothy Chan. 2024.

For Norman

You visit me in a dream after passing,

            after I’ve been awaiting you for weeks,

because Chinese belief teaches us our

            loved ones will appear when we’re asleep.

It’s real when I enter the hotel restaurant

            in the middle of nowhere town I live in,

as the Midwest architecture transforms

            into Kowloon at evening time. We eat

bird’s nest soup, and I remember the time

            my father ordered me this four-hundred-

year-old delicacy at Hong Kong airport.

            Out comes the Peking duck, and I ask you:

“Why did it take you so long?” You answer:

            “I arrived once you were strong and ready.” 

“According to Chinese belief, when our loved ones pass away, they will visit us in our dreams. ‘Somehow’ is for my late, great Poetry Father, Norman Dubie. I miss him every day.”—Dorothy Chan


Barron and I chose a word from the poem to guess with our Magnetic Hangman Toy:

We found this free Poetry Analysis Sheet (PAW, which we will call it from the next post and beyond) from The Owl Spot TPT shop for grades 5-8 at:

Our PAW: 

This is a great video:

Barron also completed Week 1 of our Brave Writer's The Vanderbeeker's where we learnt about Personification and Em Dashes.

By definition, "Personification gives human qualities, characteristics, and emotions to non-human objects, animals, or concepts. It is a form of figurative language that uses metaphorical language to convey meaning and create vivid imagery. By personifying non-human entities, writers can help readers relate to them on a more personal level and make abstract concepts more concrete. Personification is often used in poetry and fiction, but can be found in many forms of writing. Examples of personification:

“The wind howled through the night, rattling the windows and shaking the doors.” In this example, the wind is personified as a living being with the ability to howl and shake things.

“The sun smiled down on the beach, warming the sand and inviting the swimmers.” In this example, the sun is personified as having a human-like quality of smiling, which creates a positive and inviting atmosphere.

“The moon danced in the sky, casting its silvery light on the darkened earth below.” In this example, the moon is personified as having the ability to dance, which creates a sense of movement and energy in the scene.


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