Sunday, December 18, 2022

Holiday Trees and Regrowing

 It is a great time to revisit some favourite learning resources regarding trees since many are placing trees in their home during this season. We decided to go for a Charlie Brown tree we scored from our local Home Hardware store. We have decorated it with out first ornaments we selected along with a neat glass pickle ornament. Should you be unfamiliar with the cute story regarding this ornament please enjoy this short explanation: "Here’s one version of the “pickle legend” from a website that sells ornaments: “A very old Christmas Eve tradition in Germany was to hide a pickle [ornament] deep in the branches of the family Christmas Tree. The parents hung the pickle last after all the other ornaments were in place. In the morning they knew the most observant child would receive an extra gift from St. Nicholas. The first adult who finds the pickle traditionally gets good luck for the whole year.” Source: The page continues to note that many in Germany are unaware of this tradition, regardless it is sweet to place a pickle and this is our first year (2022) to begin doing so. Barron found the pickle so good luck will be with him this upcoming year.

This appears to be a lovely resource we hope to explore sometime, Ellie's Log by Judith L Li and illustrated by M.L. Herring: it is about a forest of douglas fir trees. 

We should think of replenishing the trees that we enjoy during this festive time like Wangari did. These are great sources on her: HearthMagic has a wonderful Wangari Maathai story set that we are adoring. For around 9.00CDN you can purchase a copy too, it is truly unique:
Wildhearts academy offers a cute product we purchased: 

An exquisite resource is free to have: simply input your email and this lovely 43 page treasure is yours for immediate download. These are a few pages that we adore: 

There is a really cute tree garland product of deciduous trees from a wonderful creator for only $1.41CDN:

Although our goal of having a first real Christmas tree has not occurred yet we decorated our little Charlie Brown tree with love and were able to take some nice pictures in the building lobby, throughout our community and in our local Loblaws, thank you truly for your displays they are darling. Merry Christmas Toronto and everyone everywhere else: 

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For Halloween I found the most lovely resource containing valuable information and delicious creative items, I was