Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Artemis Launches

    At 1am November 16 2022 the Artemis rocket launched into the sky to travelled to the moon.  It is a robotic and human moon exploration quest from NASA(this was the robotic launch). We were very lucky to find NASA's webpage in time (the very same day) and viewed the event. It was rather amazing.  These are our screen shots from the webpage: https:/

The name Artemis is rather interesting. It is a Greek name given to a goodness who was the protector of the moon.  There is a neat certificate for free at:
We also learnt how to draw Artemis with this reference: Barron created wonderfully.

A shop we found on Etsy called JanesByDesign has a great astronaut sheet for 1.42CDN: 

*Update if you visit this page you can send your name to Mars:

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Happy Independence Day

 We hope our american friends have a wonderdul time.