Sunday, October 16, 2022

Autumn Volcanoes

     With the fall weather happening where we are we were able to learn that in New Zealand on October 5, 2022 a volcano erupted called the Taupo. Also today, October 16, in Stromboli, Italy a volcano has erupted. That got us searching for some other resources to add yo our collection on this topic. We were able to find a listing of volcanoes currently erupting at:

Three different types of volcanoes can be created from this source as some labelling sheets: 

A rather unique volcanoe can be designed at:  (it includes dinosaurs and paper towel rolls) 

We don't have access to a kitchen however last year we made apple volcanoes with just some brown and white sugar, apples, a cookie sheet, and an oven. A professional receipe is shared:

*update we recently learnt about a new volcanoe at The Yellow Stone National Park:

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