Thursday, October 20, 2022

Astonishing App

    We have been admirers of this group: and finally we have a device that allows us to use their app. We purchased this app and it is great. You record your time spent outdoors as well as being able to edit and use features such as a photobook for your adventures during that day. As your hours accumulate you are awarded with a badge. We earned our first one and are motivated to keep going. It costs about 3.49CDN plus tax in the Google PlayShop. Hope you will support this group and join us in this wonderful adventure challenge. Don't forget there are free trackers available for those who prefer a paper version, are in the process of saving, or simply appreciate both methods on the above webpage as well as other goodies. Enjoy your moments and embrace the splendor of nature.

There is a great welcome package when you accept the challenge to download:  it helps motivate you to achieve your hours and its free, thank you.

Our progress thus far as the year is concluding (December 2022): 

*Since purchasing our app a new package of badges are available to buy, this is our recent accomplishment as of April 2023:

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