Friday, July 8, 2022

World Chocolate Day Festival

    July 7 found World Chocolate day entering our day. We had some delicious taste tests and concluded that Oh Hungry Oh Henry is the most pleasant. We also watched some neat videos such as the talented entertaining Mess Yourself and his British Easter Egg tasting adventure that he sweetly shares: 

 We remembered a favourite chocolate unit from the truly kind and generous spirit Beth at her LittleWorldWanderers's shop: We made the most delicious homemade hot chocolate and it was neat how the coco powder could dissolve and not dissolve. It has a reasonable price and makes for some warm learning memories.

Bear has the most original thought producing mind. He reads a snickers bar to mean sniper bar. Nifty thought. We hope that your day brings you victories, sweet delights, and favoured moments.

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 world chocolate Day July 7 International chocolate day sept 13 Hurrican Helene storm wounded injuries in Flordia. Tropical storm