Saturday, July 9, 2022

Unique Yet Busy Tea Time

    As summer has been with us for a bit I wanted to share a concept that Barron and I did during our weekends of our school term 2021-2022 called poetry tea time. The summer is a great time to begin this or think about placing it in your routine if you were not familiar with the concept. There is an excellent free resource entitled Poetry TeaTime Quick start found at:  Hopefully soon Julie's Companion Book will become part of our home. Thank you creative Julie for making this a treasured freebie so we can be part of your collection of tea adventurers. I want to thank the most adorable and talented mom named Carly Seifert from and for introducing us to this concept in a email newsletter for subscribers which provides you a link to her wonderful blog and this neat resource. This summer we are going to continue with her Summer Podcast travel production (this is the second summer) Around the World with Busy Kids Love Music. We had the most imaginative meaningful time last summer. Please join us on this journey with Carly as she never disappoints. The first episode for Summer 2022 is on busykidsdopiano 


Morocco at:   

Italy at:

Indonesia at:

Newfoundland and Labrador at:

That concluded the magnificent journey.

The first summer adventure is still posted on Carly's podcast page to be enjoyed again or for the first time-Summer 2021: 

Folk Music of Brazil 

Folk Music of Congo 

Folk Music of Ireland 

Folk Music of Japan 

Folk Music of Mexico 

**Update! Carly treats us again this season, summer 2023 begins with:

Folk Music of Scotland:

Folk Music of India:

Folk Music of Jamacia:

Folk Music of Australia:

Folk Music of Turkey:

Carly is a treasure!

**Update Summer 2024 and Carly is with us

The Folk Music of Zambia:

The Folk Music of Finland:

The Folk Music of Fiji:

The Folk Music of Argentina:

The Folk Music of Greece:

I was fortunate enough to travel along the internet waves a few months ago and found a shop that sells seaweed products, tea being one of them, hopefully one day we can try a cup. The shop shares the sweetest free colouring page for download: 

I thought this was a neat find, a family standards pledge offered by The Good and the Beautiful. You can download a copy and pledge with us:

Wherever your journey starts and ends we hope its a loving one. 

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