Tuesday, September 3, 2024

First Day of School 2024

Today begins our 2024-2025 school term. I thought this was a great classroom reminder: 

Today Barron began achool with his yearly About Me topic with our new Glam Squad Sharpie markers and clip board: 

We did our word of the year with dad as a new edition:

Barron selected the word Humble which is an adjective meaning, "having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance."
I chose the word Persist which is a verb meaning, "continue firmly."
 Garnet's word was Peacefullness, as an adjective peaceful means, "free from disturbance,tranquil."

We continued our Tim Horton's First Day of school treat with an Ice Cap, Crossaint, and Four Cheese toasted with butter bagel. 

Recalling the tradition of European children on the first day Barron received three new biography books:

We will begin with Alexander. 
We found an amazing book called Spot The differences Art Masterpieces Book 3 and each week we will study an artist referenced in it starting with Guiseppe  Arcimboldo and his creation Summer 1573.

Barron will be our daily class plant water helper on our A Kinder World App.

He will keep track of his responsibilities along with his daily attendance on our sheet posted on the fridge:

Barron will read outloud a page a day from our new book Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright published in 2005 beginning today.

Barron will do his regular spelling quizzes with 12 words per test with our new triangle pens from our local Micheals Canada store in his new book we found prepared by Schoolnest by Megan Van Sipe, this book has ruled pages on one side and on the flip dot grids -so neat!

We will listen daily to Busy Kids Love Music Podcasts created by the genuine Carly Seifert at: https://busykidsdopiano.com/busykidslovemusic/ 

Barron and I will continue our tradition of drawing a daily picture with a new triangle pencil pack and sketchbook:

We will also work through a daily puzzle from: 

A page a day from this excellent geography book: 

We are working on our multiplication skills with this booklet thanks to Grandma's great shopping skills:

Every Friday Barron will handwrite in this book what he is grateful for: 

Barron will also be typing up much of his daily class work and homework activities on his new chromebook which arrived on the first day of class and is a gifted investment from dad:

Something we became aware of this year is not every country begins school at the same calendar month and time as we do,

"Places where school begins, not in September, 
Guatemala = Second Monday of January 
South Africa = January 13 
Australia = January 27 Kenya = January
Malaysia = Early January
Singapore = Beginning of January
Costa Rica = Early February
Honduras = Early February
New Zealand = Between February 1 – 5
Brazil = First week of February
Chile = Late February
Argentina = Beginning of March
South Korea = Beginning of March
Japan = April 1
India = June
Indonesia = Mid-July." Source: https://www.theeslnexus.com/2015/12/12-countries-that-start-school-in.html

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