Sunday, June 25, 2023

Pride Month

Pride month arives:

 A neat suggestion:

We also completed a nice artwork:

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21 - Summer Solstice (Earth's Tilt and Spin) + International Yoga Day

 We finally got to celebrate such an important day today and to begin this occasion we share this lovely creative piece which you could purchase too at:

We welcomed international yoga day and summer solstice by doing a yoga sequence by listening to the Terra Earth Chimes: while doing the poses suggested in this article:  We did the Sukhasana (Easy Pose with Surya Mudra), Buddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose), Vrksana (Tree Pose), Half Lotus Pose, Vipartia Karani (Legs-up-the-wall Pose), Savasana (Corpse Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose).

We did a Chakra Yoga Meditation Card selection chosing these from our set we purchased from the lovely: 

We also did an intention card selection for the beginning of summer, you can own this lovely set too:

We also enjoyed a tarot reading for summer starting from this sweet product:
and the free manual available at: 

Thought this tic tac couple doing yoga was super precious: 

We shared a few moments with the courageous and lovely people in Times Square NY doing live yoga with an amazing Yoga instructor Kirra. This Peloton Yoga instructor said find your center in the middle of chaos, greatest wisdom shared! Various Yoga events are happening throughout the day at:

These are the wonderful instructors sharing their teachings with us on this International Yoga Day: 2023 Class Schedule

7:30am – 8:30am Douglass Stewart
9:30am – 10:30am Peloton Yoga Flow with Kirra Michel
11:30am – 12:30pm Ruchika Lal, presented by Consulate General of India, NY (ASL interpreter present)
1:30pm – 2:30pm Marco Rojas (ASL interpreter present)
3:30pm – 4:30pm Nyota Nayo
5:30pm – 6:30pm Joseph Encinia
7:30pm – 8:30pm Matt Boylin

May the Midnight Summer Evening bring you peace, we never did yoga outside in the park and never thought of an evening yoga session, something to strive for perhaps in 2024.

Thinking how to define yoga we came across this,  Yoga is the coming together of the brain and the body as we learnt from Sesame Street Yoga School which also suggests to pay attention (focus) and concentrate. Practice and you will improve. Give Yoga Time. We did Warrior 1 arms above the head and warrior 2 arms extended out in front and warrior 3 is one leg up and stretching out your arms. Join the challenge at: 

Of course this day could not escape without the most wonderful Jamie from Cosmic Kids and our adventure with her today: We did her Going on a Bear Hunt Session with our code word: Namaste Day We adore you Jamie you are a treasure.

Bear in Action with Jamie: 

Took a quick peak at Stonehenge on this Summer Solstice day:

As this video explains it is the longest day with sunlight: 

Barron asked an interesting question about an autumn and spring solstice which there is not, instead there is an autumn and spring equinox. Basically in winter the shortest day (least amount of sunlight and more moonlight) occurs on winter solstice and in summer solstice the reverse happens more sunlight and less moonlight. On Spring and Autumn Equinoxes those days have equal amounts of daylight and moonlight. This is also explained in this way, "An equinox is one of the two times of the year when the amount of daylight and nighttime hours are just about of equal length. The vernal equinox marks the start of spring, and the autumnal equinox marks the start of fall. A solstice is one of the two times of the year resulting in the most amount of daylight time or the least amount of daylight time in a single day. Solstices mark the start of summer and winter." Source: and in this lovely video:  

Equinox and Solstice Dates for us in North America according to this source:





Remember the Earth's Tilt and the way the axis moves and spins around is the reason for us to have seasons. We are lucky to have four seasons as some locations only get two!

We also would not have a complete day without our seasonal mandala from the sweet shop creator:     Barron made one to let summer in as did I:

 To end the day we lit a candle, well ours is battery operated: 

Juneteenth -June 19

 We are a bit late on this posting however we could not let the day pass without acknowledging the importance of it. Although it is an American celebration there is still importance to remember history. We found a very generous group of homeschooling musical content creators who shared a brief free music lesson for this day, you can join us in watching and learning about three songs, well four songs since there are two versions of one song, at the following link: According to this source these musical pieces are called Freedom Songs and are often sung on this day or to remember this day, "President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 which ended slavery in the states of the Confederacy. However, since those states considered themselves a separate nation at the time and were immersed in the Civil War, slavery wasn’t officially ended everywhere for 2 ½ more years. So, June 19, 1865 became the day that the final town in the United States that still held onto slavery (Galveston, Texas) granted their slaves freedom." Source:

Sunday, June 18, 2023 Gender is what you feel and know yourself to be inside and sex refers to the body parts you are born with. Tansgender means you are born a boy yet you feel a girl in your brain and body or you are born a girl yet have male mind and heart.

A nonfiction picture book about Delaware State Senator Sarah McBride, who dreamed of making a difference as a kid and grew up to become the highest-ranking openly transgender political official in America.

As a kid, Sarah McBride dreamed of running for office so she could help people in her community. When her friends asked for bicycles for Christmas, Sarah asked for a podium. Her friends and family encouraged her to follow this path, but there was one problem: they saw Sarah as a boy, and Sarah knew she was a girl. Every night, she’d replay the day in her head, watching how it would have played out if she was able to live as the girl she knew herself to be.

In college, she finally came out as Sarah, and in 2020 she won her election to become a Delaware State Senator, making her the highest-ranking trans political official in the country and a hero to kids everywhere who want to live their dreams and be themselves!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Coincidence, First, Second, and Third Person

Bear and I came upon the topic of coincidence, not too sure how it happened however it was interesting to learn what it is. A coincidence is something that happens without an explanation or purpose. Barron was able to create some examples to go along with mine such as, "If I was using a hot wheels car and my mom was using a hot wheels car at the same time even though we did  not talk about doing that." Another example is thinking of Grandma getting her favourite treat and then she tells us later she had her favourite treat on the same day. A final example is Bear and Mom going to the store without telling dad and suddenly he shows up at the very same store. This is a great video explaining it:  We referenced our favourite dictionary and learnt the following definition and examples: "coincidence: the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection. It was mere coincidence that brought them together so far from Chicago. By coincidence, every man in the room was named Fred. “I'm going to Boston this weekend.” “What a coincidence! I am too.” It was no coincidence that he quit his job at the bank a day after the robbery." Source:

We also learnt about person, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person from some nice cards that I found and Grandma was able to gift to Barron. This video is simply great: 

First Person (I/Me/We)

An example would be: I have hellium inside of me. Plural form: We have got helium inside of us.

Second Person

An example would be: You are on a seriously long string. Plural form: You all have long strings.

Third Person

An example would be, He/She, or It will be popped. Plural form: They will be popped. 

Sometimes music helps explain concepts and we felt this song is first person:  "Stand Up" - Official Lyric Video - Performed by Cynthia Erivo
This is an example of second person: Glory of Love- From The Film Beaches featuring Bette Midler  Barron suggested the Whopper song: or Honest Man by George Fox (the chorus only):
This is an example (mostly) of third person, beware there is a stripping artist in this video if you are sensitive to such artistry: -
Clean Bandit - Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie)

Remember Barron Nobody Matters Like You! Love xoMommyox

I also thought this would be a good time to discuss chorus with Barron, which is the part of the song that is repeated. In Neil Young's Harvest Moon the Chorus is "because I'm still in love with you, I wanna see you dance again, because I'm still in love with you, on this harvest moon." This song can be enjoyed:
Chris Sails - Me and You:  "It's supposed to be me and you." He Ain't Me by Chris Sails "They say there is love in the air."

The Seatbelt Dance - P-Holla and BBD "Do the Seatbelt."

Drake - Hotline Bling "You used to call me on my cell phone."

DJ Khaled - I'm The One ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper, Lil Wayne   "I'm the one."

Bankrol Hayden - Costa Rica  "Costa Rica swipe a visa"

Leviathan - Chug Jug With You

Kiesza - Hideaway  Sometimes it can be a sound mixed with words as a chorus such as this case.

J. Balvin, Skrillex - In Da Getto Bad Bunny - Yonaguni  Challenge yourself to discover a chorus in another language such as this song in Spanish like we did. 

Barron also noted that songs like Jingle Bells have a chorus called Jingle Bells Jingle All the Way. 

Music Theory for Kids by Homeschool Pop:

Parts of a choir like Glee and Church:

Voice is our instrument and the various types of voices:

Sister Act: falsetto/alto voices

Soprano Example from Mozart of the Jungle (a lovely series on Prime Video):

July 1 Canada Day

 Although our Flag Day is:Feb 15

February 15, 1965: Raising Canada's New Flag

2006 | 2 min

On February 15, 1965 Canada's new flag was raised for the first time on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The National Film Board of Canada was there to record this historic event. This DVD also includes approximately 41 minutes of additional archival material from the ceremony.

American History Challenge 2023




Signer's Hall of the Constitution:

America's National Flag Day June 14

 Today we are lucky to participate in a zoom viewing of the Flag. We registered for the events on a really amazing webpage: 

This is an adorable free resource that helps you make a wreath with poppy cut out however they also include stars that you could use to make other crafts:

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TopicLive From The Museum: American Flag History and Raising Show

Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Jun 14, 2023 12:00 PM

DescriptionYounger learners are invited to tune in for a special Flag Day celebration to discover the history and symbolism of the American flag! Together we’ll learn about the history of the flag, the proper way to display it, and test our knowledge with fun flag facts. View our Privacy Policy:

and this event:

TopicVirtual Program: Betsy Ross: Beyond the First Flag

Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Jun 14, 2023 01:45 PM

DescriptionBetsy Ross is perhaps best known for sewing the first American flag at the request of General George Washington, but did you know she also ran a successful woman-owned business in revolutionary Philadelphia? Or that she helped establish the Free Quaker Meeting House? Join historic interpreter Carol Spacht as she brings to life this beloved founding figure. As a historic interpreter, Carol Spacht performs hundreds of interactive programs to schools, libraries, and civic organizations. She appears regularly as Betsy Ross and has extensive knowledge of hand-sewing techniques, textiles, and the trade of the upholsterer in the 18th century. Presented in partnership with the Betsy Ross House. *Session is for learners of all ages. Teachers, please share your Zoom registration information with students for quick logins. View our Privacy Policy:

In honor of Flag Day, here are 10 fascinating facts about the Stars and Stripes that may surprise you!


1. The flag predates the Constitution

The flag was authorized by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. The motion read, “Resolved that the flag of the thirteen United States be 13 stripes alternate red and white: that the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” The Constitution was written 10 years after that and ratified in 1789.

2. Betsy Ross and the Flag

Historians are still debating Betsy’s role in designing the first flag, but she recounted that she was asked to sew the flag by her fellow churchgoer, George Washington. Ross had also done some seamstress work for Washington. You can read the debates online, but here’s what the historic marker in front of her house says: “Credited with making the first stars and stripes flag, Ross was a successful upholsterer. She produced flags for the government for over 50 years. As a skilled artisan, Ross represents the many women who supported their families during the Revolution and early Republic.”

3. What exactly is a vexillologist?

A vexillologist is a flag expert. It’s a relatively new word, coming into use in 1959. According to the North American Vexillological Association, there are currently no degrees offered on the subject.

4. Who approves design changes in the flag?

Congress and the president have ordered design changes in the past to accommodate the addition of new states. President James Monroe and Congress agreed in 1818 that there should be 13 stripes as well as one star for each state in the Union.

5. Who decides the rules for flag etiquette?

It’s in the federal code as Chapter 1 of Title 4. The law also includes the approved text of the Pledge of Allegiance.

6. Where outside the United States can you see the flag continuously 24 hours a day?

There are five American flags flying on the moon, thanks to the Apollo astronauts.

7. Which flag had the snake on it?

You've probably seen the yellow flag with a coiled rattlesnake and the motto “Don’t Tread On Me.” This is the Gadsden flag, named after its designer, General Christopher Gadsden. The flag was used in the Revolutionary War. There are other variations of the flag with rattlesnakes and versions of the motto. Benjamin Franklin was one of the originators of the snake as an American political symbol, in a famous 1754 political cartoon.

8. Where was the first flag flown outside the U.S. in military action?

It was first flown over the shores of Tripoli. The Marines were involved in military actions against the Barbary pirates and after they hit the shore, they raised the Stars and Stripes. After the Battle of Derne in 1805, the flag was raised on foreign soil for the first time after a battle.

9. What is Francis Scott Key’s flag connection?

Key witnessed the American flag flying after a British attack on Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814, while he was a guest on a British ship as he negotiated for the return of American prisoners. His experience inspired him to write a poem, “Defence of Fort McHenry.” After it was published, Key matched it up with music from a popular British tune, which eventually became “The Star-Spangled Banner,” our national anthem. By the way, if “vexillology” wasn’t enough fun, here’s another one: the act of adding new lyrics to an existing song is called “contrafactum.”

10. What’s the biggest American flag?

It’s so big you can’t fly it, but the “Superflag” conceived of by the late Thomas Demski measures 505 by 225 feet and weighs 3,000 pounds. It takes 600 people to unfurl. Each star is 17 feet high.

Bonus fact: The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia has its own giant American flag on display in its Grand Hall Overlook, surrounded by the flags of all the U.S. states and territories and with the iconic Independence Hall in the background. The flag has flown over the capitals of all 50 states and was hung by Muhammad Ali in a special Flag Day ceremony on June 14, 2003, when the museum opened.  Source:

This famous name was coined by Captain William Driver, a shipmaster of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1831. As he was leaving on one of his many voyages aboard the brig CHARLES DOGGETT - and this one would climax with the rescue of the mutineers of the BOUNTY - some friends presented him with a beautiful flag of twenty four stars. As the banner opened to the ocean breeze for the first time, he exclaimed "Old Glory!"
He retired to Nashville in 1837, taking his treasured flag from his sea days with him. By the time the Civil War erupted, most everyone in and around Nashville recognized Captain Driver's "Old Glory." When Tennesee seceded from the Union, Rebels were determined to destroy his flag, but repeated searches revealed no trace of the hated banner.

Then on February 25th, 1862, Union forces captured Nashville and raised the American flag over the capital. It was a rather small ensign and immediately folks began asking Captain Driver if "Old Glory" still existed. Happy to have soldiers with him this time, Captain Driver went home and began ripping at the seams of his bedcover. As the stitches holding the quilt-top to the batting unraveled, the onlookers peered inside and saw the 24-starred original "Old Glory"!

Captain Driver gently gathered up the flag and returned with the soldiers to the capitol. Though he was sixty years old, the Captain climbed up to the tower to replace the smaller banner with his beloved flag. The Sixth Ohio Regiment cheered and saluted - and later adopted the nickname "Old Glory" as their own, telling and re-telling the story of Captain Driver's devotion to the flag we honor yet today.

Captain Driver's grave is located in the old Nashville City Cemetery, and is one of three (3) places authorized by act of Congress where the Flag of the United States may be flown 24 hours a day.

A caption above a faded black and white picture in the book, The Stars and the Stripes, states that " 'Old Glory' may no longer be opened to be photographed, and no color photograph is available." Visible in the photo in the lower right corner of the canton is an appliqued anchor, Captain Driver's very personal note. "Old Glory" is the most illustrious of a number of flags - both Northern and Confederate - reputed to have been similarly hidden, then later revealed as times changed. The flag was given to his granddaughter or neice and she later donated it to the Smithsonian. Source:

From Young Sheldon:

A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation's flag, sees not the flag, but the nation itself.​
Henry Ward Beecher

Dragon Boat Festival June 22

Some free cards:

Early Summer Solstice

 Yesterday was an early Summer Solstice however our Internet was out for practically the entire day and into the next so this posting is a t...