Sunday, June 25, 2023

Pride Month

Pride month arives:

 A neat suggestion:

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21 - Summer Solstice (Earth's Tilt and Spin) + International Yoga Day

 We finally got to celebrate such an important day today and to begin this occasion we share this lovely creative piece which you could purchase too at:

We welcomed international yoga day and summer solstice by doing a yoga sequence by listening to the Terra Earth Chimes: while doing the poses suggested in this article:  We did the Sukhasana (Easy Pose with Surya Mudra), Buddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose), Vrksana (Tree Pose), Half Lotus Pose, Vipartia Karani (Legs-up-the-wall Pose), Savasana (Corpse Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose).

We did a Chakra Yoga Meditation Card selection chosing these from our set we purchased from the lovely: 

We also did an intention card selection for the beginning of summer, you can own this lovely set too:

We also enjoyed a tarot reading for summer starting from this sweet product:
and the free manual available at: 

Thought this tic tac couple doing yoga was super precious: 

We shared a few moments with the courageous and lovely people in Times Square NY doing live yoga with an amazing Yoga instructor Kirra. This Peloton Yoga instructor said find your center in the middle of chaos, greatest wisdom shared! Various Yoga events are happening throughout the day at:

These are the wonderful instructors sharing their teachings with us on this International Yoga Day: 2023 Class Schedule

7:30am – 8:30am Douglass Stewart
9:30am – 10:30am Peloton Yoga Flow with Kirra Michel
11:30am – 12:30pm Ruchika Lal, presented by Consulate General of India, NY (ASL interpreter present)
1:30pm – 2:30pm Marco Rojas (ASL interpreter present)
3:30pm – 4:30pm Nyota Nayo
5:30pm – 6:30pm Joseph Encinia
7:30pm – 8:30pm Matt Boylin

May the Midnight Summer Evening bring you peace, we never did yoga outside in the park and never thought of an evening yoga session, something to strive for perhaps in 2024.

Thinking how to define yoga we came across this,  Yoga is the coming together of the brain and the body as we learnt from Sesame Street Yoga School which also suggests to pay attention (focus) and concentrate. Practice and you will improve. Give Yoga Time. We did Warrior 1 arms above the head and warrior 2 arms extended out in front and warrior 3 is one leg up and stretching out your arms. Join the challenge at: 

Of course this day could not escape without the most wonderful Jamie from Cosmic Kids and our adventure with her today: We did her Going on a Bear Hunt Session with our code word: Namaste Day We adore you Jamie you are a treasure.

Bear in Action with Jamie: 

Took a quick peak at Stonehenge on this Summer Solstice day:

As this video explains it is the longest day with sunlight: 

Barron asked an interesting question about an autumn and spring solstice which there is not, instead there is an autumn and spring equinox. Basically in winter the shortest day (least amount of sunlight and more moonlight) occurs on winter solstice and in summer solstice the reverse happens more sunlight and less moonlight. On Spring and Autumn Equinoxes those days have equal amounts of daylight and moonlight. This is also explained in this way, "An equinox is one of the two times of the year when the amount of daylight and nighttime hours are just about of equal length. The vernal equinox marks the start of spring, and the autumnal equinox marks the start of fall. A solstice is one of the two times of the year resulting in the most amount of daylight time or the least amount of daylight time in a single day. Solstices mark the start of summer and winter." Source: and in this lovely video:  

Equinox and Solstice Dates for us in North America according to this source:





Remember the Earth's Tilt and the way the axis moves and spins around is the reason for us to have seasons. We are lucky to have four seasons as some locations only get two!

We also would not have a complete day without our seasonal mandala from the sweet shop creator:     Barron made one to let summer in as did I:

 To end the day we lit a candle, well ours is battery operated: 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Coincidence, First, Second, and Third Person

Barron and I came upon the topic of coincidence, not too sure how it happened however it was interesting to learn what it is. A coincidence is something that happens without an explanation or purpose. Barron was able to create some examples to go along with mine such as, "If I was using a hot wheels car and my mom was using a hot wheels car at the same time even though we did  not talk about doing that." Another example is thinking of Grandma getting her favourite treat and then she tells us later she had her favourite treat on the same day. A final example is Bear and Mom going to the store without telling dad and suddenly he shows up at the very same store. This is a great video explaining it:  We referenced our favourite dictionary and learnt the following definition and examples: "coincidence: the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection. It was mere coincidence that brought them together so far from Chicago." Source:

We also learnt about person, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person from this video: 

First Person (I/Me/We)

An example would be: I have hellium inside of me. Plural form: We have got helium inside of us.

Second Person

An example would be: You are on a seriously long string. Plural form: You all have long strings.

Third Person

An example would be, He/She, or It will be popped. Plural form: They will be popped. 

Sometimes music helps explain concepts and we felt this song is first person:  "Stand Up" - Official Lyric Video - Performed by Cynthia Erivo
This is an example of second person: Glory of Love- From The Film Beaches featuring Bette Midler  Barron suggested the Whopper song: or Honest Man by George Fox (the chorus only):
This is an example (mostly) of third person, beware there is a stripping artist in this video if you are sensitive to such artistry: -
Clean Bandit - Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie)

Remember Barron Nobody Matters Like You! Love xoMommyox

I also thought this would be a good time to discuss chorus with Barron, which is the part of the song that is repeated. In Neil Young's Harvest Moon the Chorus is "because I'm still in love with you, I wanna see you dance again, because I'm still in love with you, on this harvest moon." This song can be enjoyed at:
Chris Sails - Me and You:  "It's supposed to be me and you."

He Ain't Me by Chris Sails -
"They say there is love in the air."

The Seatbelt Dance - P-Holla and BBD "Do the Seatbelt."

Drake - Hotline Bling "You used to call me on my cell phone."

DJ Khaled - I'm The One ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper, Lil Wayne   "I'm the one."

Bankrol Hayden - Costa Rica  "Costa Rica swipe a visa"

Leviathan - Chug Jug With You

Kiesza - Hideaway  Sometimes it can be a sound mixed with words as a chorus such as this case.

J. Balvin, Skrillex - In Da Getto Bad Bunny - Yonaguni  Challenge yourself to discover a chorus in another language such as this song in Spanish like we did. 

Barron also noted that songs like Jingle Bells have a chorus called Jingle Bells Jingle All the Way. 

Music Theory for Kids by Homeschool Pop:

Parts of a choir like Glee and Church:

Voice is our instrument and the various types of voices:

Sister Act: falsetto/alto voices

Soprano Example from Mozart of the Jungle (a lovely series on Prime Video):

Monday, June 12, 2023

Plates, Pangea, and Error Page

 This is so funny and unique:

Finally this source worked:
Mountains form, volcanoes erupt, earthquakes shake. The earth's outer shell is divided into pieces called plates and most earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes occur where plates meet. Places where plates meet are called plate boundaries. There are seven major plates and countless minor plates. The major plates are North American Plate, South American Plate, Pacific Plate, Antartic Plate,  Eurasian Plate, Africain Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate.Plates can be made of both oceanic crust and contiental crust. Interactions between plates change our planet.

                               -Contintental crust.

                          -Oceanic Crust.

                                    - The Seven Major Plates
