Monday, June 12, 2023

Plates, Pangea, and Error Page

 This is so funny and unique:

Finally this source worked:
Mountains form, volcanoes erupt, earthquakes shake. The earth's outer shell is divided into pieces called plates and most earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes occur where plates meet. Places where plates meet are called plate boundaries. There are seven major plates and countless minor plates. The major plates are North American Plate, South American Plate, Pacific Plate, Antartic Plate,  Eurasian Plate, Africain Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate.Plates can be made of both oceanic crust and contiental crust. Interactions between plates change our planet.

                               -Contintental crust.

                          -Oceanic Crust.

                                    - The Seven Major Plates

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