Monday, May 29, 2023

Oviparous vs Viviparous and Absolute vs Relative Location

Oviparous means to produce a young/baby by mean sof eggs that are hatched after they have been laid by the parent. Viviparous means to produce living young instead of eggs from within the body.

Oviparous Animals: Spiders, Raven, Parrot, Birds, Eagle, Swan,Duck, Pigeon, Penguin, Owl, Ostrich, Chicken, Fish, Frog, Snake, Turtle, Lizard, Crocodile, Platypus, Octopus,Shark, Seahorse, Flamingo, Peacock, Turkey, Echidna, Snails, Salamander, Newt, Snail, Dragonfly, Wasp, and Butterfly.  Source:

Viviparous: Dogs, Cat, Horses, Snakes, Sharks, Aphids, Deer, Rodents, Cows, Dolphin, Seals, Apes, Monkeys, Lizards, Giraffes, Camels, and Humans. 


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