Monday, December 19, 2022

A Harmonious Winter Solstice Start - December 21

  As Winter Solstice comes into our setting we thought it would be a great time to study the structure of our newly favourite word and item - chambersticks. Lighting candles is often a moment of tranquility for those involved so we thought this webpage does a wonderful job of candlesticks and chamberstick definitions: 

Barron and I drew a charcoal drawing of each:

We went outside to prepare a stock pile of groceries as a bad storm is forecasted in two days. While out we gathered a few of nature's gifts from the ground to make our winter mandala from our sheet purchased for under 1.00CDN at: 

Barron created this masterpiece:

I created this:

We were also lucky to find a unique display of a nearby neighbours home of some lovely lanterns, not sure if they are lit at night as we often are cozy at home however they are a real treat during the day: 

The local City Parent free publication ( had the sweetest tree picture that I felt suited the winter solstice perfectly. Barron wrote a winter kindness note for everyone: 

At Noonish when the sun was the strongest Barron and I took a picture of our shadow:

We also found this neat art suggestion to do on drawing shadows:

Barron did a wonderful art inspired masterpiece by Ted Harrison from a free lesson at:   It is such a great drawing we decided to share it with a local television station, hopefully Barron can begin a portfolio for his future if his art is selected:  We also entered a travel photography webpage: 

Barron also entered a photography contest, hopefully he will be selected: 

Interestingly we found that there is a Ted Harrison foundation where artists can apply to live in the cabin in the Yukon, people can buy products from their shop, or people can donate to their foundation,Ted%20in%20order%20to%20help%20children%20discover%20art.

On the above page: "TED HARRISON FOUNDATION DONATION Regular price $25.00 We welcome donations to The Ted Harrison Foundation in order to support the development of Canadian artists and art education in Canada. This mission was important to Ted in order to help children discover art. He believed that art comes from a child’s soul – for unlike other subjects it has no rules. When a teacher asks a child to draw, they invent something. Art education has many benefits in child development, including encouraging motor skills, visual learning, decision-making, and inventiveness.The Foundation is run by volunteers." We donated $25.00 because we have one little guy who makes the best masterpieces ever and hopefully others will have a chance, definently a foundation to think about in the future for donations. 

We also found this neat product that we purhased for 95cents USD from:   it has a nice photograph of the artist with some other images of his artwork: 

As suggested this is our evening with our lantern on, ours was purchased at JYSK:

*April Update: Since we spent some of the winter in Mississauga we also created a Mandala from our environmental finds: 

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