Monday, November 28, 2022

November Rain, December Starts, and Perfect Polygons

 It is the last day of November and it continues to rain since we awoke. We have a special way to celebrate whenever the rain joins us and that is to play this adorable song found at:

The lyrics are below for you to join us.

Plic Plac Plouc (boy sings)
Plic Plac Plouc (girl sings)
Font les gouttes (boy sings)
Font les gouttes (girl sings)
(sing together the rest of song) Il pleut il pleut
sur mes cheveux
Il pleut il pleut
je suis heureux
il pleut il pleut
plus qu'un petit peu
Et Plic Plac Plouc
Il pleut il pleut
sur mes cheveux
Il pleut il pleut
je suis heureux
Il pleut il pleut
plus qu'un petit peu
Et Plic Plac Plouc

We also enjoy the creative talents of this group Les Couvertures Françaises - Parapluie / French cover - Rihanna - Umbrella found at:

These are our beautiful moon cards for December from:  

We found a neat activity suggested by:
We were able to repurpose a nice flyer for children cooking skills and Barron created a poem that reads: Experience a three hour class once Summer, Winter, & students learn delicious, and all-while experimenting with science concepts, and polishing up by sharing meals made with more.
Mine reads: Warm summer days, crisp fresh air leaves change from the harvest season Mother Nature delicious vegetables bounty of fresh, inspires new time of delight and exploration local, weather colder, inside is warmth and joy that lasts a lifetime. 

We also learnt about Shapes - Polygons. The best free resource is: which taught us: 

Triangles have 3 sides like a sail
Quadrilaterals have 4 sides like a door
Pentagon has 5 sides like a school sign
Hexagon has 6 sides like a Bolt
Heptagon has 7 sides like a star sign
Octagon has 8 sides like a stop sign
Nonagon has 9 sides like the letter Y in a sign
Decagon has 10 signs like a star fish in the ocean

Always remember a Polygon has to have straight sides and has to be a closed shape (vertices and sides cannot break)

A delightful free resource to colour on the topic of star fish can be instantly downloaded without providing email details at: 

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