Monday, January 6, 2025

Old Rock Day+ Bobble Head Day

We found this neat websource: which reveals which days have special events, they also have free resources available for various needs, we thought this one was interesting to make one more mindful of what you are doing with your days. We are all given the same amount of time each day- 24 hours:

According to that websource today is National Bobble Head Day these are 3 of our Funko Pop Bobbleheqds given by dad: 

It is also Old Rock Day. It is explained that, "We celebrate Old Rock Day on January 7 every year to remember the Earth’s incredible history and to pay tribute to the amazing geologists who help us understand it. We’ve been dependent on rocks since we first walked the Earth, and today it’s no different, with rocks forming the foundation of our daily lives." Source:

We decided to pick a place on earth that we are fond of and learn about an important geologist from there. Barron selected Arnold Henry Guyot who was a Swiss-American geologist and geographer and was born September 28, 1807 in Boudevilliers, Switzerland. He died at the age of 76 on February 8, 1884 in Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. He did a lot of meteorological observations which led to the creation of the U.S. Weather Bureau. It has been shared that, "The guyot, a flat-topped volcanic peak rising from the ocean floor, is named after him. He studied at the College of Neuchâtel and in Germany, taught at Paris from 1835 to 1840, and became professor of history and physical geography at the Neuchâtel Academy in 1839. In 1838, under the influence of the famed naturalist-geologist Louis Agassiz, he took up the study of the structure and motion of glaciers. In 1848 Guyot settled in Cambridge, Mass., and until 1854 lectured on geography and teaching methods for the Massachusetts Board of Education. He wrote a series of geography textbooks that served as models of the kind used in American schools for many years. In 1854 he became professor of geology and physical geography at Princeton University. Guyot developed topographical maps of the Appalachian and Catskill mountains. His published works include The Earth and Man (Eng. trans., 1849); Creation, or the Biblical Cosmogony in the Light of Modern Science (1884); and Tables, Meteorological and Physical (4th ed., 1887). " Source:

To refresh our memory Barron did a free worksheet from: Barron recognized the mantle area, the outer and inner core, and the crust. 

A simple, yet important reminder, from Jack Hartmann's video called On This Earth-Earth Day Song for Kids at: that we are given so much so we need to take care of this Old Rock of ours. His lyrics are: 

"On This Earth

On This Earth, trees are growing

On This Earth, trees are growing

Give us fresh air to breathe

Give us fresh air to breathe

On this Earth, springs are flowing

On this Earth, springs are flowin

Give us water to drink

Give us water to drink

On this Earth, the sun is shining

On this Earth, the sun is shining

Gives us warmth and gives us light

Gives us warmth and gives us light

The Earth gives us so many gifts each day

We have to take care of it and appreciate

Trees are growing

Springs are flowing

The sun is shining 

So many things

All on this beautiful Earth

On this Earth, birds are flying

On this Earth birds are flying

Singing happily

Singing happily

On this Earth, fish are swimming

On this Earth, fish are swimming

Giving balance to the sea

Giving balance to the sea

On this Earth we are living

On this Earth we are living

With friends and family

With friends and family

The Earth gives us so many gifts each day

We have to take care of it and appreciate

Birds are flying

Fish are swimming

We are living

So many things

All on this beautiful Earth

Reduce, reuse, recycle plastic bags and cups

Use water carefully and when you're done shut it off

Turn lights off when you leave a room, it saves energy

Look around each day where you live and see all nature's beauty

Trees are growing

Springs are flowing

The sun is shining 

So many things

Birds are flying

Fish are swimming

We are living

So many things

All on this beautiful Earth

All on this beautiful Earth" 

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