Thursday, June 13, 2024

American Flag Day

Today, June 14, is the American Flag Day celebration. Ut has been shared that, "Flag Day celebrates the symbolism and history of the American flag on June 14. The U.S. has celebrated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes in a variety of ways when President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation establishing the June 14 as Flag Day in May 1916. These celebrations include flying the flag in front of residences, participating in parades, and holding other patriotic events. Several states and numerous cities had begun commemorating the day before to 1916. In 1877 the first Flag Day was celebrated, 100 years after the Continental Congress adopted the flag. In 1949, President Harry Truman officially made Flag Day a day of national observance. While its look has changed more than a few times over the years, the American flag has remained a symbol of freedom and justice. A look back at some of its milestones and reasons for its evolution." Source:

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