Monday, May 20, 2024

A Holiday to Celebrate Queen Victoria

 Today we celebrate Queen Victoria on Canada. Some intriguing facts:

"Queen Victoria was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 to 1901.

She was born in London on 24 May 1819 to a German princess and an English prince.

She became Queen of the United Kingdom Great Britain at the age of 18 after her uncle King William IV died.

She learned to speak and read German and French well. Queen Victoria enjoyed dancing, drawing, horse riding and singing.

Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert, in 1840. He supported science, trade and art in Britain.

Victoria and Albert had nine children. They believed that a good family life and Christianity were very important. In general, English people followed their example.

In 1861, Prince Albert died of typhoid fever and Victoria stayed away from public life.

Britain became more powerful in the following years, and in 1877, Victoria got the title ‘Empress of India’.

In 1897, she celebrated 60 years of being queen surpassed her grand father King George III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain .

She was popular with her people by the time she died in 1901. She was queen for 63 years, seven months longer than any other king or queen of Britain before her.

Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband died in 1861. She was so distraught that she withdrew from public life to mourn, in fact It was rumoured that she herself had died.  A few years later in 1866, because the people of Wolverhampton had extended such kindness to the Queen in her time of mourning, she accepted an invitation to unveil a statue of her beloved Albert. No other town had managed to gain a response such as this, so you can imagine the excitement." Source:


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