Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 Pancakes & Maple Syrup 

It takes about 40 years for a sugar maple tree to be ready to be tapped. Once the tree is mature, it can continue to give sap for about 100 years. Although there are approximately 13-22 species of maple trees that produce sap, there are three primarily varieties. Sugar maple is the most popular. Black maple and red maple are also used.

It takes about 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. Maple syrup is used on foods such as waffles pancakes, and French toast. It is also used as a sweetener for cakes, bread, and granola, or beverages such as tea and coffee.

Maple syrup can be heated and poured into snow for the delicious candy treat Laura and her family enjoyed. The temperature to which the sap is boiled determines the final product which includes syrup, sugar, and taffy.


Sugaring, when maple trees are tapped, usually occurs between February and early-April. The exact timing depends on the climate. Sap production require nighttime temperatures below freezing and daytime temperatures above freezing.

Canada is the world's largest producer of maple syrup. (Canada's flag features a large maple leaf.) The Canadian province of Quebec produced a record 152.2 million pounds of maple syrup in 2017! Vermont is the largest producer in the United States. Vermont's record was 1.9 million gallons in 2016.

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