Friday, March 15, 2024

April 1 -Poisson d’Avril ! (April Fish)

 French children follow April Fools’ Day traditions in Spring. On 1 April, people use paper fish to play an April Fools trick. This involves sticking a paper fish onto the back of as many adults as possible. And then running away yelling, “Poisson d’Avril !” (April Fish!). Yes, you better check your back if you happen to be in France on that day! April Fools’ Day in France is known for the “poisson d’avril” (April Fish). That tradition dates back to 1564.

The origin of the April Fish in France is relatively obscure. Maybe it was reminiscent of the ichthus used by Christians in the Roman era. Source:

Apparently Italy also uses a fish, in Italian, “Pesce d’Aprile.”)

Here is what April fool’s day is called in a few other countries worldwide.


Brazil: “Dia da Mentira” (Day of Lies.)

Denmark: “Første april” (First of April)

Finland: “Huhtikuun ensimmäinen päivä” (First of April)

Germany: “Narrenschiff”(Ship of Fools)

Japan: “エイプリルフール” (loanword from the English “April Fool’s.”)

Netherlands: “De Dag van de Dolleman” (The Day of the Fool)

Norway: “Første april”(First of April)

Russia: “День дурака” (Fool’s Day)

Spain: “Día de los Santos Inocentes” (Day of the Holy Innocents)

Sweden: “Första april” (First of April)

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