Tuesday, December 19, 2023






Make star-shaped piñatas

Las Posadas is a great event that can be celebrated by adults and children alike! One of the most exciting elements of Las Posadas is the star-shaped piñatas filled with candy and toys. Children often take turns to put on a blindfold and hit the piñata with a stick and once it breaks everyone will rush in to grab a handful of tasty treats. But you don’t have to be a child to hit the piñata, fill one for yourself and try it with family and friends who are Mexican or Catholic.

Attend a procession

Before each gathering, all the guests form a procession to mark Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn on the night of Jesus’s birth. The march is usually led by an angel, guiding Mary and Joseph to shelter, when they could not find one in Bethlehem. The participants will first hold candles and sing Christmas carols, and make their way to a particular home. A special song ‘La Canción Para Pedir Posada’ is sung, until the host agrees to let everyone inside. It’s a time of celebration but also a remembrance of Mary and Joseph’s miraculous journey.

Reflect and meditate

On each of the nine nights, a different quality will be meditated upon — humility, strength, detachment, charity, trust, justice, purity, joy, and generosity. Before indulging in delicious food and beverages such as tamales and ‘ponche’ or ‘atole,’ consider reflecting upon important spiritual qualities that help us become better humans, no matter what you believe in.

Las Posadas originated in colonial Mexico. The Augustinian friars of San Agustin de Acolman, near Mexico City, are believed to have organized the first posadas. In 1586, Friar Diego de Soria, the Augustinian prior, obtained a papal bull from Pope Sixtus V to celebrate what was called ‘Misas de Aguinaldo’ or ‘Christmas bonus masses’ between December 16 and 24.



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