Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Juneteenth -June 19

 We are a bit late on this posting however we could not let the day pass without acknowledging the importance of it. Although it is an American celebration there is still importance to remember history. We found a very generous group of homeschooling musical content creators who shared a brief free music lesson for this day, you can join us in watching and learning about three songs, well four songs since there are two versions of one song, at the following link: According to this source these musical pieces are called Freedom Songs and are often sung on this day or to remember this day, "President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 which ended slavery in the states of the Confederacy. However, since those states considered themselves a separate nation at the time and were immersed in the Civil War, slavery wasn’t officially ended everywhere for 2 ½ more years. So, June 19, 1865 became the day that the final town in the United States that still held onto slavery (Galveston, Texas) granted their slaves freedom." Source:

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