Saturday, May 6, 2023

Crayon Day- March 31

    For some reason this posting saved as a draft and then when I updated it it showed today's date instead of March 31. On March 31 I made a nice crayon drawing for Barron to colour yet I did not have enough funds to get anything special, although a Giant Crayon from Micheals art store: some neat Peanut Crayons from Amazon: (because we love George Washington Carver)   were favourite contenders at the time. Searching through some inspiration on a budget I found Lotus' free blog and came across her posting: and she recommends some amazing products without getting anything for them (I tried to search her online in Amazon however I could not find her shop) so these companies should seriously provide her with free products for recommending such magnificent finds (similar as she is!) Anyways since Crayon Day had arrived and at the time we didn't have anything fancy I felt like I needed to make this more of a special day and once we came acorss these Andy Warhol Crayons we were so delighted! You can get yours at:  The company is called Galison and Mudpuppy.  Lotus also mentions another book which is available from this unique company about Vincent VanGogh however the others appear to be equally enchanting:

We also got the coolest pencils with Andy Warhol Quotes From the Gailson Amazon store:

Barron adores the colour Blue so the quote on that said, "Everybody Must Have a Fantasy."
The others say, "Being Good in Business is the most Fascinating Kind of Art."
"I Never Fall Apart Because I Never Fall Together."
"Wasting Money Puts You in a Real Party Mood."
"Isn't  Life a Series of Images That Change As They Repeat Themselves?"
"Art is What You Can Get Away With."
"The Idea of Waiting For Something Makes It More Exciting."
"In The Future Everybody Will Be World Famous For Fifteen Minutes."

I think the First and Last are the most wisest! Andy predicted TikTok, Instagram, Blogging, andYoutube!

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