Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 We found a new resource to try everyday, it was on sale for 1.00 USD because I subscribe to his email and you can to, simply look in a purchased product of his and you can subscribe too for example: 

Or you can purchase a copy (for 2.50USD) of the Vocabulary Word Game of Categories at:

Animals is the first topic and this is a great resource if you get stuck: 

The organization also offers several free products at their shop:

challenging to find bird names:,Red-winged%20Rusty%20Tricolored%20Yellow-headed%20Bluebird%20Mountain%20Western%20Bobolink

challenging to find fish names/types:
interesting to find reptiles:,Xenichthys%20Xanti%20...%207%207.%20Xenaploactis%20Anopta%20
and if still  stuck:

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Happy Canada Day

 Welcome to our Canada Day Celebrations. Today is a holiday, most stores are closed, however Dad went and got some delicious treats for Barr...