Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Spring Equinox March 20+ Seasonal Mandala

 The spring equinox will take place in March this year. Due to its occurrence in March, it is also known as the March equinox.  In the astronomy world, the vernal equinox marks the first day of spring, and this is why it is called the spring equinox. It marks the beginning of a new season and is celebrated worldwide with different spring traditions, holidays, and festivals. Spring equinox also suggests the return of sunshine, warmer temperatures, blooming flowers and other seasonal effects. Spring Equinox is that special moment when neither of the Earth’s hemispheres is inclined towards or away from the Sun. At the equinox, both of Earth’s hemispheres receive equal sunlight, which results in equal lengths of night and day. The word equinox comes from the Latin word aeques (equal) and nox (night). According to astronomers around the world, the fastest sunsets and sunrises of the year happen at the equinoxes.

Source: https://www.wionews.com/entertainment/lifestyle/news-spring-equinox-2023-what-is-spring-equinox--when-will-it-occur-heres-all-you-need-to-know-573807

"Where we live the transition to Springtime is long and flirtatious, and a little maddening. You are blessed with a rare 50-degree day, then wake up to find icy rain and a forecast of another blanket of snow. You never really know when to pack away the coats and mittens;) Because the next couple months seem be this "in-between" season, I wanted to find more stories that reflect that type of weather. "Welcome Back, Sun" is a beautiful story that is set in Norway and features a young girl that is waiting for the sun to return and her village's annual tradition of greeting the return of the sun. I remember the first time I read it at the library several years ago and how that longing hit me differently here in Michigan than in any other place I have lived. I hope that if you are in a similar space of eagerly awaiting spring that you will enjoy this resource! :)" Amber from HearthMagic Shop https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1406665572/welcome-back-sun-picture-book-mini-guide?click_key=d90b6b2560c20c9d9d9d923c5b304f920b043658%3A1406665572&click_sum=a020c2ff&ga_search_query=sun&ref=shop_items_search_1&crt=1

A great book for the transition that occurs during this time is called 

We embraced the season with our Spring Mandala (which I believe was created however the photo got deleted so we are posting again.) You can obtain a copy from: https://gabitatemporium.com/products/mandala-template

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