Thursday, March 2, 2023

Welcome March Moon, Pi Day, and Some Thoughts on Skills

Welcome March which came in like a gentle lion in our area with a bit of light snow:

Our exquisite moon card for March from  I came across a beautiful paragraph that ponders, "What are five important core skills? Planning: being able to make and carry out concrete goals and plans. Focus: the ability to concentrate on what’s important at a given time. Self-control: controlling how we respond to not just our emotions but stressful situations. Awareness: not just noticing the people and situations nnaround us, but also understanding how we fit in. Flexibility: the ability to adapt to changing situations. While these are skills that children (and adults) can and do learn throughout their lifetimes, there are two time periods that are particularly important: early childhood (ages 3 to 5) and adolescence/early adulthood (ages 13 to 26). During these windows of opportunity, learning and using these skills can help set children up for success." Source:

We shall strive at being mindful of these.

Pi day is on March 14 because it is the third month and the 14th day.

*Update March went out like a lamb according to these weather stats:

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