Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Three Climate Zones

Today we refreshed our minds on the various climates such as tropical, polar, and temperate. Barron grasped the different concepts quickly. When we think of polar climate we think of the North Pole and Antartica. When we think of the tropical climate we begin to think of Costa Rica, Jamacia, Columbia, and Paragray. When we think of Temperate climates we think of Canada and USA as well as the UK and Europe.  Burger King and Animal Plant have the best King JR toys for boys these past two months. They are so educational, resourceful, designed great I am truly an appreciative fan of these creations/collaborations. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Lent Donations

 This Lent we collected sbout $100.00 in spare change snd donated

 25.00 to Dharn man food 

25.00 to archie kids 25.00 

25.00 to

25.00 to the

we will be donating 

25.00 to 

We also participated a bit in Ash Wednesday that I forgot to mention so I thought I would share them now: 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Earth Hour

 Earth hour is coming on Saturday March 25, 2023 and we have some excellent sources to share beginning with this neat etsy quote by Anne Frank from this sweet shop:

Micheal Jackson's song Save the Earth performed by the immensley talented tribe at Shadow Theatre Verba : We also listen to Lil Dicky - Earth song which you can enjoy at:  This year we were lucky to find a wonderful book from the Mississauga Public Library called Earth Hour a Lights-Out Event for Our Planet by Nanette Heffernan and illustrated by Bao Luu which can be listened to: and make a pledge at the author's main page:


We found this adorable collection from:


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Spring Equinox March 20+ Seasonal Mandala

 The spring equinox will take place in March this year. Due to its occurrence in March, it is also known as the March equinox.  In the astronomy world, the vernal equinox marks the first day of spring, and this is why it is called the spring equinox. It marks the beginning of a new season and is celebrated worldwide with different spring traditions, holidays, and festivals. Spring equinox also suggests the return of sunshine, warmer temperatures, blooming flowers and other seasonal effects. Spring Equinox is that special moment when neither of the Earth’s hemispheres is inclined towards or away from the Sun. At the equinox, both of Earth’s hemispheres receive equal sunlight, which results in equal lengths of night and day. The word equinox comes from the Latin word aeques (equal) and nox (night). According to astronomers around the world, the fastest sunsets and sunrises of the year happen at the equinoxes.


"Where we live the transition to Springtime is long and flirtatious, and a little maddening. You are blessed with a rare 50-degree day, then wake up to find icy rain and a forecast of another blanket of snow. You never really know when to pack away the coats and mittens;) Because the next couple months seem be this "in-between" season, I wanted to find more stories that reflect that type of weather. "Welcome Back, Sun" is a beautiful story that is set in Norway and features a young girl that is waiting for the sun to return and her village's annual tradition of greeting the return of the sun. I remember the first time I read it at the library several years ago and how that longing hit me differently here in Michigan than in any other place I have lived. I hope that if you are in a similar space of eagerly awaiting spring that you will enjoy this resource! :)" Amber from HearthMagic Shop

A great book for the transition that occurs during this time is called 

We embraced the season with our Spring Mandala (which I believe was created however the photo got deleted so we are posting again.) You can obtain a copy from:

Nowruz -Persian New Year

 The Persian New Year has began on March 20, 2023 and we would like to wish everyone a beutiful celebrating moment. I was searching for some sort of virtual table that we could set online since we are in a place where there isn't really a place for a table which got me thinking of families or couples who cannot be together during this festive time if there was some sort of app or webpage perhaps virtually they could celebrate together although I do not have the technological skills to do so.

 This will be our second year celebrating

Nowruz (say "NO-rooz") is the Persian New Year. It marks the official beginning of spring and a brand new year. Nowruz literally means "new day," which is fitting since it’s all about new beginnings. This year the holiday lands on Monday, March 20th.

So who celebrates it?

Children holding balloons celebrate Nowruz.

Children play in front of the Karte Sakhi shrine on the first day of Nowruz in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Ahmad Sahel Arman/AFP via Getty Images)

Today, over 300 million people of diverse backgrounds and faiths celebrate Nowruz. It's widely-recognized in many places and is an official holiday in countries like Afghanistan, India, Iran and most of Central Asia, to name a few.

The story of Nowruz goes back over 3,000 years, with a strong connection to the Zoroastrians (say "ZOH-roh-as-tree-IN") of Iran. They viewed this special time of year as a victory over darkness. Zoroastrianism is believed to be one of the oldest known living religions.

How is it celebrated?

hildren wearing traditional costumes play on a swing during the celebration of Nowruz.

Children wearing traditional dress play on a swing during the celebration of Nowruz in Kyrgyzstan. (Vyacheslav Oseledko/AFP via Getty Images)

Some prepare weeks in advance for Nowruz. Houses are cleaned from top to bottom. Fresh flowers like daffodils, hyacinth and tulips are displayed. And vessels are filled with water to get rid of any bad luck.

When Nowruz finally arrives, people dress up and visit with family and friends. They celebrate with prayers, music, dancing and feasts.

What are Nowruz traditions?

Haft-sin table for Nowruz includes flowers, goldfish, garlic, painted eggs, apples, candles and greenery.

Every object placed on the Haft-Sin table has special meaning. (Katzenfee50/Pixabay)

The Haft-Sin table is an important part of Nowruz celebrations. This table is carefully set up with items, some of which will be shared with loved ones on the holiday.

A special cloth called a sofreh is first placed on the table.

Then seven traditional (food) items are arranged on top. It would include wheat, lentils or barley, dried fruit, garlic, apples, vinegar and flowers. Each item is a symbol of spring and renewal.

Live goldfish are sometimes included on the table, as they symbolize new life. Other items include eggs for fertility, coins for prosperity and a mirror for reflection.

What happens after Nowruz?

Iranians picnic in the park to celebrate Sizdah Bedar, the 13th day of Nowruz.

Iranians picnic in the park to celebrate Sizdah Bedar, the 13th day of Nowruz. (Atta Kenare/Getty Images)

Thirteen days after Nowruz is celebrated, a festival called Sizdah Bedar (say "sees-DAH bay-dar") is held.

On this day, families spend time outside at a park or in the countryside and have a festive picnic. The day is all about being outside in nature and enjoying spring.

At the end of the day, each family throws away the greenery from their Haft-Sin table. This ritual symbolizes a new beginning for families as the new year gets started.

TV Schedule


Kids News

Canada Media Fund

Persian New Year Facts & Quotes

The oldest records of Nowruz go back to 247 B.C during the Arsacid/Parthian times. Today it is celebrated in Afghanistan, Georgia, Albania, Iran, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Khane taken, which means house-cleaning, is an Iranian custom in preparation for the new year. Families will begin cleaning their homes weeks ahead of the new year.

On Nowruz, focus is placed on seven items. These items all start with the Persian letter س (sin) or S. They are placed on the haft-seen table as a tradition of Zoroastrianism. They are:

1) Seeb (apples) - symbols of health and beauty

2) Senjed (dried oleaster berries) - wisdom and rebirth

3) Samanu (wheat pudding) - strength and justice

4) Somaq (sumac) - patience

5) Serkeh (vinegar) - age

6) seer (garlic) - cleanses body and environment

7) Sabzeh (wheat, barley, lentils) - rejuvenation and new life

Enjoy traditional foods like sumalak. Sumalak is a thick pudding made from wheatgrass. It is typically prepared for 24 hours ahead of time. Women sing folk songs while they prepare huge pots of the pudding.

Some other traditional dishes you can try include sabzi poli mahi, which is rice and herbs served with fish, and ash reshteh, which is a thick soup with noodles and beans.

Partake in the custom of Chaharshanbeh Soori, the symbolic burning of all that was negative from the previous year. It is custom to jump over bonfires in the streets while shouting Give me your red color, take my yellow color. This symbolizes how the fire will take away the yellow of sickness and give back the red of health and warmth.

Watch the documentary A Splash of Nowruz (2014) to see how some people celebrate the Persian New Year.

Moon Phases

 Barron has enjoyed the study of the moon for quite sometime. When we moved from Peterborough the moon wasn't so easy to find in the city however there were those nights like that which offered us happiness. Since living in Mississauga we have had a very small window that allows us to imagine more what kind of moon each evening shares with us. Today we found a great resource on Twinkl regarding the use of oreo cookies and the various moon phases and we created our own: 

A good reminder why cookies are a sometimes treat, photo number one shows the cookie grease after one or two nights of sitting upon paper.

On Etsy we also found a wonderful little wall art poster for a reasonable price $1.42CDN from:

Thinking of the moon we would like to share a loved song called Runnin Out of Moonlight by Randy Houser enjoyed at: and lyrics below:

Runnin' Outta Moonlight

Randy Houser

Don't you worry 'bout gettin' fixed up

When you wake up, you're pretty enough

Look out your window at the cloud of dust

That's my headlights, that's my truck

Come on baby, don't you keep me waiting

I gotta go, I got a reservation

Tailgate for two underneath the stars

Kiss on your lips when you're in my arms

Whoa, Girl, Every now and then you get a night like this

Whoa, this is one that we don't wanna miss, no

Come on baby, let me take you on a night ride

Windows down, sittin' on my side

Ticktock now were knockin' on midnight

Me and you, girl, runnin' outta moonlight

I wanna hold you till the break of dawn

Hear the crickets sing a riverside love song

Hey baby, all we got is all night

Come on now, we're runnin' outta moonlight

Girl, I bet you thought I lost my mind

Outta the blue pullin' into your drive

Wonder why I got you way out here

Have you ever seen a sky this clear?

Whoa, girl, you never look better than you do right now

Whoa, oh, heaven let your light shine down

Come on baby, let me take you on a night ride

Windows down, sittin' on my side

Ticktock, now we're knockin' on midnight

Me and you, girl, runnin' outta moonlight

I wanna hold you till the break of dawn

Hear the crickets sing a riverside love song

Hey baby, all we got is all night

Come on now were runnin' outta moonlight

Whoa, girl, every now and then, you get a night like this

Whoa, this is one that we don't wanna miss, no

Come on baby, let me take you on a night ride

Windows down, sittin' on my side

Ticktock, now we're knockin' on midnight

Me and you, girl, runnin' outta moonlight

I wanna hold you 'til the break of dawn

Hear the crickets sing a riverside love song

Hey baby, all we got is all night

Come on now, we're runnin' outta moonlight

Hey baby, don't it feel so right?

Come on now, we're runnin' outta moonlight

All I wanna do is hold you tight

Come on, come on, come on, we're runnin' outta moonlight

Whoa, yeah were runnin' outta moonlight, whoa

When Funds Have Evaporated

 Many times funds have escaped us and we have to struggle however I hope to ease some of the troubles that come hopefully through these suggestions there will be help.

For free colouring sheets this place is wonderfully unique and offers a variety from tables to animals:

When you cannot get to a printer simply download the copy of the image use some computer paper and trace the image, that is what I often do and it helps you develop a new skill. This is an example of ones that I have downloaded and traced. 

Repurpose everything! Before throwing out cardboard boxes orange bags save them and reuse them later. We made signs to cheer our football team, flip flops to remember how didn't hsave proper footwear to do her hard work.

Subscribing to 

Dad Invests in Me

 I am always trying to find ways to invest in our son rather that be through developing his natural skills such as creating wonderful masterpieces or through his gaming passion or simply through his natural abilities. It has been a struggle when I was separated.Many times there was a sale on two great learning resources that I simply could not afford however his father has given him and myself a homeschooling for a year gift from ABC Mouse and adventures Academy. It is nice that he vavlues our sons education.

This is going to be where we share some of the learning moments with you. Today we spent about 20 minutes on ABC Mouse. 

Career Exploration

 Barron always wanted to be a science teacher since he was five years old. 

These are some other jobs that have become something he ponders about: 

An astronaut: This is a great series by CBC Kids called Can You Imagine That? - Kids Dream Jobs. We learnt that astronauts fly into space to do experiments, to discover, to search, and that while up in space it is always dark, uncertain what time of day or evening it is. We also learnt that the sun is very hot and that gravity exists at different levels in different places. On earth there is a lot of gravity which is why we stay standing tall, on the moon there is very little gravity which is why we bounce around and up in space there is no gravity which is why we are able to float around.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Nov 27 + March 2 Dr. Seuss Day - Our Two Missed Opportunities

 This post is a catch up on some past posting missed opportunities. We were not aware of this delightful activity that occurs during the festive season. On November 27 advent spirals are placed on the first day of Advent. I read,"The advent spiral of greenery is laid out on the floor of a quiet, darkened room and filled with items representing three kingdoms:  plant, mineral, and animal (man being the fourth). At the center a lit candle is placed, and each child is given a turn to make his or her way through the spiral to the center, carrying an unlit candle they have made in preparation for this day.  When the center candle is reached the children light their own candle off of the central candle and then place it somewhere along the spiral as they make their way back out.  As the children place their candle along the path the light in the room slowly grows.  It is a quiet and moving experience, both to participate in and to watch." Source:   Apparently a stone spiral is also encouraged:

Also escaping us was the fact that March 2, 2023 was Dr. Seuss Day.  A great resource we discovered is: This video provides fun facts about this imaginative American Author. According to, "Theodore Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts on March 2, 1904. He died September 24, 1911.  He was known for being a writer and illustrator of children's books which were playful, fun filled rhymes, and oftentimes silly creations. He also was an editorial cartoonist and served in World War II from1942 to 1946 in the U.S. Army in the documentary division. In 1945 he wrote Your Job in Germany directed by Frank Capra which was remade into the Academy Award-winning Hitler Lives in 1945."

 We purchased this cute svg file from the following shop which isn't selling at this time:

There are some lovely resources available at:  and a sweet poem from First Grade Honey Shop at:  that we purchased. 

I am very blessed that Barron enjoys reading and that it came naturally to him. He is an excellent reader. We were able to finally join the spring book club offered by those talented ladies at For The Love of Homeschooling. 

We hope to share some accomplishments.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Welcome March Moon, Pi Day, and Some Thoughts on Skills

Welcome March which came in like a gentle lion in our area with a bit of light snow:

Our exquisite moon card for March from  I came across a beautiful paragraph that ponders, "What are five important core skills? Planning: being able to make and carry out concrete goals and plans. Focus: the ability to concentrate on what’s important at a given time. Self-control: controlling how we respond to not just our emotions but stressful situations. Awareness: not just noticing the people and situations nnaround us, but also understanding how we fit in. Flexibility: the ability to adapt to changing situations. While these are skills that children (and adults) can and do learn throughout their lifetimes, there are two time periods that are particularly important: early childhood (ages 3 to 5) and adolescence/early adulthood (ages 13 to 26). During these windows of opportunity, learning and using these skills can help set children up for success." Source:

We shall strive at being mindful of these.

Pi day is on March 14 because it is the third month and the 14th day.

*Update March went out like a lamb according to these weather stats:

Early Summer Solstice

 Yesterday was an early Summer Solstice however our Internet was out for practically the entire day and into the next so this posting is a t...