Monday, January 16, 2023

Martin Luther King Jr Day - January 16

 Today is a day to celebrate, reflect, and remember the intellectualism of a man named Martin Luther King Jr. He was a man who would not bring harm or use violence in his quest for equality among the races. MLK believed in accepting everyone for who they were. I belieeve this activity from Teacher Nancy is a perfect reminder and illustrator of a point. She shares several types of apples all different in colour, name, appearance, shape and yet when you cut each one open they all contain the same pattern the same seeds which represents humans of all race, inside we are the same although we may be unsimilar on the outside. This lady is simply brilliant! learnt about peace and harmony  a detailed rap song

A beauitful statue was just released this MLK day, a sculpture of an embrace of Martin Luther King Jr and Coretta Scott King by conceptual artist Hank Willis Thomas. A news paper and video are available at: and

This wonderful item shop has a beautiful message that we purchased for this day since MLK's mom told him to love not hate, you can obtain a copy: 

Barron and I are so fortunate to be living in Toronto at this moment and having access to lovely resources from the Toronto Public Library we read a few books and referenced our Google Play book called that we also used for Kwanza for information regarding MLK and his life journey.

                                                      Frieden und Liebe -Peace and Love.

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