We have officially adopted the Kansas City Chiefs as our NFL team, we are willing to share with othera though *wink* SuperBowl LVII occurred on Feb 12 at 6:30pm with the Chiefs vs Eagles. It was an amazing game against some wonderful opponents and our gentleman won 38-35! Below are some images to remember this event:
The chiefs logos were bought from: https://www.etsy.com/dk-en/shop/DigitalCityArt?ref=yr_purchases and the above adorable image was purchased from a lovely creative couple's store, their products are divine! Have a peek at: https://www.etsy.com/dk-en/listing/963790317/music-teacher-gift-teacher-appreciation?click_key=849636a33381c79f52d5f5d6bb65ac86a0b2fc47%3A963790317&click_sum=4752f2e2&ref=shop_home_active_257&pro=1
We imagine a victory song being played for Coach Andy and the team at this qualifying game. This victory brought us a joyful moment during a stressful day. One of the worrying factors we are currently anxious about is the fact we have to move from our place, however this shop's lovely free creative printables eases the discouragement: https://apopofpretty.com/
Thank you to the people who have helped us and showed kindness to us in this city that I have and forever will love. It is not forgotten.
This loving product above can be purchased: https://www.etsy.com/dk-en/listing/904780516/mother-son-svg-mom-svg-mother-son-quotes?click_key=3e5001f09c9685a39113eed89045e7cde708702a%3A904780516&click_sum=13b0d2dd&ga_search_query=mother%2Bson&ref=shop_items_search_1&pro=1&sts=1
Something devastating happened before the Superbowl. On January 29, 2023 God decided he wanted his angel and would not let us keep her any longer. Mississauga's former mayor for 12 years (retired at 94 years old) Hazel McCallion, "Hurricane Hazel" died at the age of 101. Hazel was a blessing. "Hazel Journeaux was born on Feb. 14, 1921, in Port Daniel, Que., a very small town in the Gaspé Peninsula. The youngest of five children developed a life-long passion for hockey and eventually landed in Montreal for education and her first professional jobs. With the engineering firm Canadian Kellogg, she moved to Toronto in her late 20s. Sam McCallion would be a supportive partner for more than half her term. Alzheimer's disease began to take its toll a few years before his 1997 death." Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/hazel-mccallion-dead-at-101-1.6730009
These are pictures from her youtube prodcasted funeral:
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