Thursday, October 6, 2022

New Home

 To welcome fall and a new beginning of an adventure for us in October we thought this was a beautiful creation to share, not to mention it is also a quote from one of our favourite books Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery, hope you enjoy this freebie as we have: 

Simply wanted to share a neat discovery while on the topic of Anne of Green Gables, a neat reference to Anne and Diana found in a Pierre Auguste Renoir 1890 painting called, Two Girls in The Meadow (Picking Flowers) may have inspired Lucy Maud Montgomery to write Anne of Green Gables in 1908 since one is of a fair black-haired girl and a forever loved red head girl. This also reminds of The Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society writers Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows may have found inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh's The Potato Eaters Nuenen May 1885:

Our new move went successful, we had a wonderful cab driver and a gentleman landlord. We unpacked and organized and are excited to find new happy places in our new neighbourhood. On the drive we found the most lovely cafe that should be in a movie it is called The Porch Light. Imagine texting a loved one and asking them to meet you at the Porch Light, how delightful, mysteriously creative, and charming. 

 We found this really cute item shop on etsy that had some resonably priced colouring/decorative sheets that seemed to belong to our new move and wanted to share Kirsten's talents with you, hope you will support this great designer (0.49 CDN items we are sharing):

We went downtown and were able to find the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, CDN: 

Also we went straight to the Beach to explore our new community area on a rainy day: 

This was a neat saying from a free publication we found on our outing about our area: 

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Early Summer Solstice

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