Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Welcome September+Harvest Moon, Patriot's Day, Organic Week and Parachutes

    This week our class studies found us learning about school in the early years and in the modern times. Immediately we thought of comparisons of Anne of Green Gables to our current times. This is an excellent video about schools from before:

Harvest moon graced us with several lovely days of orange and yellow moons. The sky felt cozy and warm as we painted a picture and recorded the moon's presence (as we have been since September) on our magnificient moon tracker sheet from our subscriber freebie provided by the one of a kind   The talented Barron painted a beautiful harvest moon picture to remember the 2022 moon treasure.

The above lovely resource is such a great price at this adorable etsy shop:  We bought the entire year set of moons for each month and will share them as the months progress, such lovely creations they are art. 

September 11 also came, which is now called Patriot's Day, and it celebrates the spirit of the wonderful American survivors and the service man who contribute to our comforts. We appreciate you, thank you, and remember you often. We sent out a late important tweet to thank the New York fire departments. 

This also is organic week (Sept. 12-18) so we found some certified organic lemons on sale at the best local health store Joanne's: 

We truly hope you, as well as ourselves, can bring organic food into our weekly food endeavors. mentions some ways to get involved and this is a great screenshot to remind one of the benefits of such: 

We did some neat physics learning (thank you kidsscience youtube) about parachutes: and
and we played with Patty Shukla (enjoy: and our homemade parachute:

We used a blanket and had fun and then we found some great parachute men from Party City: 

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