Sunday, July 17, 2022

Grade 4 Skills and Being A Club Member

   During the last couple months I have found many great resources for our upcoming school year 2022-2023. Bear will be in Grade 4 and we hope to achieve the skills listed on this valuable checklist for JK to High School: 

Thank you so much for creating and sharing your wisdom Waldockway staff. Another resource we discovered is offered from ForTheLoveOfHomeschooling crew and its amazing. Shared are some screenshots of their calendar and their topics we have, and will be, learning. You can become a member for 12.00USD at:  We were a member since May however after October our budget couldn't continue on this lovely journey.

We hope these help enrich your curriculum and time spent together. Home Schooling is a gift to both the learner and the teacher and every parent and every child plays both parts. 

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