Monday, November 28, 2022

Welcome December+ St. Nicolas Day (Nikolaustag), Scandinavian and Nordic Countries Explored, and a Brilliant Homeschooling Blog

December begins tomorrow with a double moon, you can find your own copy at this wonderful store:

Joyful St. Nicolas Day (Nikolaustag -thanks Cricket Media for shared wisdom) wishes wherever you may be. Please support this kindest creator, her St. Nicolas Day unit is free however her shop items never disappoint:  

In the resource it mentioned that we could also celebrate by sharing food with animals on this day. We are lucky to have a squirrel visit us frequently and a family of three to five pigeons out our window, on this day only one came to visit. We gave them some treats as we often do. 

Some beautiful crafts found at: are quite amazing for example you can make a tree out of a magazine paper. Barron and I made one: 

Barron is learning about Scandinavian countries and we thought some activities mentioned on the webpage below were truly delightful so we tried some:

We did freehand rosemaling. Barron mastered the comma stroke which can be learnt from this lovely video: and the S and Circle stroke taught at:

We played Hot Cross Buns on our piano app called Cool Piano 

and relearnt from an excellent teacher Stacey McDonald. She has one video on black keys:

and on white keys (CDE): 

 Thank you Stacey! Also thank you to this great artist who has a divine labelling for the piano for free:

The brilliant homeschooling team recommended these webpages and videos and they are stunning:
We decided to repurpose our Shoppers Drug Mart Perfume Booklet (as it had beautiful hues that resembled the Northern Lights) and create our own window scene. 
We cut out some strips and placed them on the window. 

Interestingly this year the lovely team at Canada Post has created the following stamp:    reveals the mountains of Norway and the purity of the lakes as shown in these screenshots: 

This webpage recommendation on Finland is fantastic. We decided to do the Christmas quiz:  
Barron's Christmas personality is Jingle All The Way and mine is Last-Minute Wonder. This test is so cute, hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

This page contains wonderful photos and information on Denmark: 

This page is about Sweden and it contains wonderful facts and illustrations: 

We also watched a beautiful 1968 film on YouTube called Heidi and we learnt about Heidi and Grandpa, Clara, and Peter. 

We purchased this product from a truly talented woman: and it is amazing. We also found some unique books that have great features: 

We found this neat little book entitled When I was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant and Diane Goode on YouTube:
with such a beatiful expression of love for the mountains that Heidi and Grandpa truly shared: 

We created a lovely map to distinguish between the Nordic countries and the Scandinavian ones:

Fröhlichen Nikolaustag! Frohen Nikolaustag! Alles Gute zum Nikolaustag!

National Sticker Day