Sunday, August 7, 2022

Neat Newts, Nice Weather, and Nifty Normality's?

   We have chosen Matilda as our first young adult book as its a story book and not a picture book. We will read it at a leisurely pace. After watching the film version of Matilda (found on Netflix) and hopefully soon we will watch the Musical version we were curious about the newt and we explored this creature. Not too many resources are available, thankfully we found an adorable sheet from:   We drew a newt, Barron created his to real-life size, each inspired from the resource we purchased, however we cannot post a screenshot of the purchased product online due to respecting the creators rules. We learnt that they are endangered animals and are found in Northern European countries. This map is excellent: showing us Northern European Countries in Blue: 

We also learnt that climate change is impacting the survival of such creatures: 


We missed a chance to celebrate Roald Dahl Day on September 13. Kindly visit: where you can download some free lessons to accompany his books. We have one for Matilda:

   *We finished reqding Matilda in Mid-December and found a neat page at the conclusion of the book regarding this day: 

Returning to the topic of climate effects we thought we would mention the activity that we have recently introduced this year to our homeschooling routine, checking the weather. We have a neat app on our tablet that Barron has learnt to use to find out current and future weather conditions. There is also a great resource from:   It mentions the great weather features in various areas. We purchased three excellent resources from The Dollartree in the summer of 2019. We created a mini Weather Station area where we use our clock to record what time we observe the sky. We use our Weather Guide to the Sky Wheel to help us identify the types of clouds we observe. The Weather Tracker comes in English, French, and Spanish and we use that to record the temperature (we use C however F is available) and indicate the wind speed and the wind direction. We also use the cloud type feature to list the cloud type again as a way to remember the cloud variants that we find in our sky that day.

  Thinking of how we view the sky from time to time from our Weather Station it is such a neat thought that years ago DiVinci also peered up into his sky and pondered upon what he viewed. The connection to Barron's favourite artist/ inventor Leonardo DiVinci and the sky is rather fascinating.  It has been noted that, "As a painter, Leonardo naturally took a keen interest in the properties of light and illumination. However, unlike other artists, he turned his scientific mind to the task of dissecting these properties to better understand their inner workings. This signature method of inquiry led him to correctly postulate why the sky is blue, far ahead of such physicists as John Tyndall or Lord Rayleigh of the 19th century. In one of his numerous notebooks, da Vinci wrote that people perceive the sky to be blue due to the sun's illumination of minute particles of moisture in the atmosphere." Source:

 Barron truly enjoys him as a painter, especially his Mona Lisa painting. We discovered some wonderful free resources available at: and   We also found this nifty idea where you use a standard picture of Mona Lisa and then convert it into something that is not her normal apperance, thank you creative genius at These are our artistic adventures on accomplishing that: 

We created a Bat Girl Mona Lisa complete with the Bat Girl signal and a Chef Mona Lisa (well Chef Boyardee) and Bear decided to do a real life parody of himself by transforming into Salvador Dali. May you find artistic expressions in your day. 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

This Is How We Learn It and Great Goat Tales

    Wouldn't it be neat to create a learning series based on the song This Is How We Do It by Montell Jordan called This is How We Learn It. If you are unfamiliar this is an adorable fun clip:

   Barron wanted to learn about goats based on a new game called Goat Stimulator. We discovered goats were the first domesticated animal, they climb trees, and they are similar to sheep. This is a cute clip to familiarize yourself on this topic:  towards the bottom of this webpage is a goat anatomy poster and one of a sheep (as well as some adorable other animals) shared for free by the kind Fiddlesticks Education artists:

There is also a resource for free with numerous pages on goats, practically everything you could think of:

Friday, August 5, 2022

Returning Volcanoe Knowledge Retrieval

     As promised we returned with a few fun volcanoe experiments. We had two bottles of Dr. Pepper and some mentos and we created a volcanic eruption. This does not work with Iced Tea or canned drinks put into bottles. Bear had fun. We will follow some recommendations in this link:

This is a really neat picture that presents many neat facts amount volcanoes and a great worksheet which I made a replica of and Bear solved it. You can obtain a copy of each for free at  Thank you for your informative shares.
This webpage produced a great reference map:  

This beautiful item is available at such a generous price and its quite useful and designed so vibrantly, find your copy at:

Rainbows and Wands

    Yesterday Barron received a Harry Potter wand for his birthday and he used it and shortly later in the evening a beautiful treasure formed in the sky, Barron's perfect complete rainbows.

On the topic of rainbows did you know that there is such a thing as a double rainbow, this is a neat video explaining it from the SciShow:

There is also three items for free about creating a rainbow style rhythm simply click on each number: 

There is another free template when you share your email at: which Barron referenced for his rainbow: 

Volcanoe in Iceland Becomes Active Again

     We are extremely fortunate to watch some clips and view photos of the eruption of Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano, which is supposed to occur every four or five years, however it is erupting again after eight short months. These are news photos so we give credit to the stations and the adventured filled photographers. Enjoy we will do another post with activities.

Early Summer Solstice

 Yesterday was an early Summer Solstice however our Internet was out for practically the entire day and into the next so this posting is a t...